Identica issues

Looks like we’re having issues posting to identica. They’ve switched to I think. Anyone know what that means for the API? I’ll probably look into it at some point, but if you’re hurting with the lack of Identica support, let me know in the comments, the more feedback, the faster it’ll get fixed.

12 thoughts on “Identica issues

    1. Callum Post author

      Awesome, thanks. Had a quick look, seems to be a whole new API that we’ll need to build out. Shame, I was happy to be posting to again. Maybe we need to put on the poll and see how it fares…

      1. Butch

        I know I’ve already moved the feeds I was using for to Plurk, for no other reason that it was already “composer-friendly”, not crippled the way Twitter seems to be, and has a usable RSS capability.
        That is unless RSS gets enough votes to become a Composer feature. 🙂

        1. Callum Post author

          There seems to be a bit of interest in RSS. How would you imagine it working? You could input an RSS feed and Composer would grab the content from it and post it out to your services? Is that what you had in mind?

          What would happen with longer posts and services like twitter? How would you expect Composer to handle a full size blog post and publishing to twitter for example?

          Thanks for this dialogue by the way, it’s really valuable to get these kind of insights from folks using the service. 🙂

          1. Butch

            It’s really not that different from how the post history page is already done, just in RSS. It might be easier to explain the use case.
            The use case was wanting to show microblog updates (originally via Twitter) but I wanted a little more control display so I could match my site’s look. I have something (currently Yahoo Pipes) scrapping the RSS feed and doing some format cleanup (Twitter had user names, Plurk has names and verbs) and then into Drupal’s news aggregator to act a cache.
            So if the post history page was available in either an RSS or ATOM format, then it could be scraped directly, but the same thing could be done on the push side, with support for Custom URL, but then I’d have to build Drupal nodes for each update, where the Aggregator is much lighter weight, and provides an easy way to present the last X tweets/updates/whatnot. All from just being able to point at the RSS.
            Of course, that would create a dependency for everyone on being up and available, and create the requirement to support what might be a heavier pull-based load over the current push-based load in Composer now. But as at least one supported site supports RSS, then the requirement falls into the category of “nice-to-have,” but RSS would be useful.

          2. Callum Post author

            Ok, I think I understand your use case. You want to pull data out of your Composer account and use it elsewhere. Agreed, it does create a different resource requirement, but I can imagine it being part of some paid package, so that could be ok. One nice aspect of our push only infrastructure is that it makes redundancy easier. But we could do something simple to host the feeds and push to the feed server, that might work well. Thanks for helping me understand your use case. It sounds like there is also demand for us to support auto posting from an RSS feed.

    1. Callum Post author

      Yeah, they ditched their old API altogether. 🙁 The API looked confusing when I first glanced at it. If you know of a PHP implementation that shows how to post to the API, that’d be a huge help.

    1. Callum Post author

      It’s on our list for sure, sadly they dumped the whole API and created an entirely new one, so we have to start from scratch and it’s a brand new API so there’s not many code examples around… 🙁

      Thanks a lot for posting though, user feedback is gold. You’ve definitely pushed up the priority list. 🙂

  1. James

    I was wondering why (for the time being) it is still listed as an option. It may help make the list of features look larger keeping it there under services, but when someone clicks on it and it errors, it makes composer look bad because they may assume the fault lies there vs Just a though 🙂


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