
Current Features

Services: Composer currently publishes to the services listed here.

API: We currently support the ping.fm API, on a different end URL. More info.

Auto-Shortening: When posting to services with character limits like Twitter, Composer will automatically shorten the message and link to the full version. Example. More info.

Bookmarklets: We have a bookmarklet which you can add to your bookmarks bar, and Compose from any page on the web. It auto-fills the page title and URL to make it easier to share what you find. More info.

Install our bookmarklets here.

Images: We support posting images to Facebook, Twitter and WordPress! Images are treated as if uploaded directly to the sites. Example Twitter, example Facebook. More info.

Post Scheduling: The ability to write a post now, and have it published at a time of your choosing. More info.

Service Groups: The ability to post to predefined groups of services. EG You could group your personal Twitter/Facebook accounts separately from your work ones, as you usually post to each group individually. More info.

URL Shortening: You can shorten URLs in the ‘Compose’ screen. There’s a box for you to enter your URL and a ‘Shorten’ button. Your long URL will be inserted into your post as a short URL.


3rd Party URL Shorteners: Support other URL shorteners like bit.ly. Goal: Not defined yet.

Auto URL Shortening: Automatically shorten URLs in posts. Goal: Not defined yet.

Auto-Refresh of the History Page: Auto refresh the history page when services changed to ‘posted’. Goal: Not defined yet.

Mobile Apps: We would like to have Android and iOS apps to make posting from mobiles easier. Currently we have a persistent login cookie, so if you sign in through your mobile browser, it should save your login details so you shouldn’t have to login every time you want to post something. Goal: Not defined yet.

Multi-User Accounts: Ability to have master accounts and sub accounts which have access to those. Probably a business feature. Goal: Not defined yet.

Retry Failed Posts: If a post fails, have a ‘retry’ button. Goal: Not defined yet.

Titles: Having titles for services which use titles – EG blog posts on WordPress have a Title and Body to the post. Goal: Not defined yet.

11 thoughts on “Features

  1. Mark

    Am really interested in API. To set-up and manage accounts as well as posting. And to grab analytics data.

    Would be open to paying for such a service, on a monthly basis.

  2. Mike

    Being able to post photos or image files without linking to a third party would totally change the game. I hope it works out!

  3. Daniel

    I would like to create services groups so I can publish to selected groups or all. Group A: Twitter, FB. Group B: Technorati, Skype Status, Gtalk Status, Yammer. Group C: RSS Feed, StumbleUpon, Instagram. Twitter

    A service should be allowed in multiple groups. If yall want to keep it simple, perhaps this groups type setup should be Advanced Mode, Simple is default.

    Also, being able to connect to multiple accounts of each service. I have multiple twitter accounts (career/tech, business/DBA, job/work-related/corporate, and a personal/family)

  4. Stan Arnold


    Composer looks interesting but I have some basic questions.

    Will it work on my desktop Mac?

    All I want to is to write a tweet, click on a preloaded list, and send the tweet to the list with one click. Will Composer do that?


    Stan Arnold

    1. Fergus Post author

      Hi Stan,

      Composer is a website, so it will work on any device that has a web browser, so your desktop Mac will certainly work.

      How do you mean you want to send a tweet to a list? Composer helps you write something once and share it across all your different Twitter or Facebook accounts.


  5. Stan Arnold

    Hi Fergus

    Thanks for your reply. Nice to know it’s web based and I can use my Mac.

    I only have one Twitter account and one Facebook account. I’m not interested in sharing messages across them.

    Here’s the situation:

    I have about 30 twitter addresses that I want to tweet to on a regular basis. At the moment, I send each tweet separately. It takes about 40 minutes. I’m looking for software where you prepare your tweet, then click once (or twice) to send it to that list of 30 Twitter addresses.

    By twitter addresses I mean something like @FreeKindleBooks

    Hope that explains. Any ideas gratefully received.


    1. Fergus Post author

      Hey Stan,

      Ah right, I get you. That’s not something we currently support, and not something I’ve seen before. I’ll add it to our feature poll so people can vote on it though.


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