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New Services

Want one that’s not listed above? Leave a comment below and we’ll look into it. We’re aiming to add one new service a week, so vote for your favourite one on the right, and we’ll add the most popular each week.

Google Plus

We would love to integrate with Google Plus. Unfortunately at the moment it’s not possible.

Google Plus Profiles: Google provide an API which is read-only. IE we can get data from it, but we cannot post to it – therefore we cannot update statuses. More info.

Google Plus Pages: Google provide a read/write API to pages, however, only to a select number of companies. Companies can apply to have access and will be assessed on a “company by company basis”. More info.


Unfortunately Pinterest does not currently have a public API. More info.

31 thoughts on “Services

  1. Pingback: Composer speaks plurk | Composer

  2. Corey Dye

    Hi, I’m new to the multi-account social media. And would like to thank you for the hard work that has gone into, this is truly awesome! Would there be a away to update to a SquareSpace blog in the near future?
    Thanks in advance

  3. Corey Dye

    It looks good…. Thank you!
    I’m just lazy, and did not have time to look into it before I asked.
    Thanks again.

  4. Christian

    I really love the way you made this simple and very useful! Now I was wondering, on the linkedIn side, would there be any possible way that one could post to a company page in which one is admin?

    1. Callum Post author

      Good question, I’m not sure how much work would be involved. I’ll check it out. Can you provide any more information? Are the messages on company pages called the same as on personal pages?

      1. Christian

        I wouldn’t know for sure, I see the same “share an update…” text area box on both, it seems to look the same, now I wouldn’t be exactly sure on where to get the additional information you seek.

    1. Callum Post author

      That’s an awesome idea. I think the first step we’ll do is allow for services to be on / off by default. After that, we’d like to add groups, but probably not in the very short term. Thanks for the suggestion, we appreciate the feedback.

    1. Fergus


      Thanks for the link. I believe the difference is that an API is a supported way to interact with Pinterest from another system, while the link you posted is essentially replicating user behaviour in an automated way. I’d imagine it’s less secure, less reliable and potentially not encouraged by Pinterest.

      However, I’ll pass it onto Callum to check out.

  5. Mike

    Hi, I just want to say this is likely the best marketing tool I have seen yet. It takes most of the work out of it by hitting all the accounts at once.
    I do have a suggestion for a add on project for you. Use the same concept to upload multiple items for sale to amazon, etsy, and other websites like it. Between the two webpages it would provide unstoppable marketing.

    Thank you for all the work.

  6. Thomas

    Do you have an API to interact with your platform?
    so i can have a script submit to composer, and composer then submits to my linked social accounts?

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